Watercolor Spring Florals!
I know we are right in the heart of Winter but I cannot help myself I have to create Spring! Here is an easy tutorial for beginners to...

Watercolor Barn Vignette
Hello folks here is another fun Mini Monday Madness tutorial- sunflowers and barn! This is super sweet and fun to paint- perfect for the...

Watercolor Techniques
Here are some fun techniques if your just starting out in watercolor and want to make your paintings have a cool atmosphere look to them....

Watercolor Iris
Hello everyone here is another fun watercolor tutorial for you- Iris! I go over how I create this beauty step by step. I also talk about...

Watercolor Spring Landscape
Here is another fun watercolor landscape using color for shadows as opposed to grays. I go over how to achieve this look and how simple...

Ink and Watercolor Vegetables
Here is another fun Ink and wash watercolor tutorial for Mini Monday Madness- these are super easy and fun to paint. I go over how to...

Watercolor Coastal Painting Tutorial
Hey guys here is another fun and easy watercolor tutorial any beginner can try a coastal painting. I go over this step by step and show...

Watercolor Mini Painting- Wine & Cheese
Hey guys here is a fun Mini Monday Madness painting for you! wine & cheese!! I go over this step by step to make it simple. This would be...

Watercolor Practice: Forsythia blooms
Hey guys here is a fun watercolor practice for beginners- forsythia blooms- This time of year you can see them all around New England and...

Watercolor Ink & Wash Vignette no. 2
Hey guys here is another fun Ink & wash watercolor vignette for you to try. This would be great coordinates with the last Mini Monday...